‘Idiots’ don’t vote


I read somewhere that in ancient Athens, they had a word for people who were politically disengaged.


Now I’m not calling anyone reading this an idiot. The Athenians may well be. But I am writing a blog about voting.

And how everyone should. For anyone.

I don’t think this just because the right to vote is a rare and precious thing in human history, which it is. I think this because not voting makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Here are three things you hear from non-voters:

  1. I’m not voting because I’m disgusted with politics in general.

Fine, as long as you know that refusing to vote will not change politics IN ANY WAY. Politicians don’t care about low turnouts. They only care about how well their party has done compared to the others. Why? Because that’s all that counts for the next five or whatever years. So refusing to vote doesn’t communicate anything to anyone. It is silence.

  1. I’m not voting because none of the parties really represents me.  

Yeah but that’s the system. A lot of people in political parties aren’t even sure if their party really represents them. Parties are diverse. And they offer packages of policies, none of which is likely to fit your (or anyone’s) package of beliefs perfectly. But some of these packages will be closer to you than others. Vote for them. (Then join a party and try to make it more like you.) But if you don’t, then the party that you have nothing at all in common with gets more power. And they have you to thank for it.

  1. I’m not voting because politicians are all useless.

Are you sure? There are three MEPs in Northern Ireland, 18MPs, 108 MLAs and 582 local councillors. It is very unlikely that every single one is useless. It is more likely that some are useless and some are not. My own limited experience of politicians is that they do care about their communities. They do care about the values of their party. And they are well aware of the imperfections of the NI system. I think they are brave for even standing for election in this place.

Russell Brand told us all not to vote. Some people in this part of the world also think it is a good idea, particularly given the state of politics in Northern Ireland. It is a terrible idea. If you don’t like the way politics is, vote for the smaller parties who might do a better job than the big ones who are running the show now.

Just don’t be an ‘idiot’!